
AxiaCore customers are safe against HearthBleed

Photo of the author: Camilo Nova

Camilo Nova


1 min read.

AxiaCore works with the most recent, recognized and agressive development rate-technologies. That is the reason by which we involve the security in all our projects.

On April 7th the vulnerability known as HeartBleed was disclosed. That day, the most mayor Linux distributors applied a patch and on April 8 we assessed each project and updated them when appropriate.

In AxiaCore, we took the proper measures in order to make safer production, testing, and development machines, along with the best security practices to prevent further propagation of any prior failure in the platforms we deploy and maintain our clients.

This vulnerability was present in the major internet services and there is plenty of writings regarding it. If you need further details or advisory services for your company in order to mitigate and leading actions, do not hesitate to
contact us.

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