
How the Internet has pushed companies into hyper-specialization

Photo of the author: María Lucía Villegas

María Lucía Villegas


1 min read.

When we think about digital businesses we can think of it all. After the digitalization of almost every company, there’s not a thing we cannot buy in a few clicks, or a service we cannot get in a website or mobile app.

So multiple industries have quickly evolved into offering different specialized services to make up for missing differentiators against competitors, for example, what once was a traditional legal consultancy firm, could now have a digital branch where users can get templates for legal procedures or online consultancy through chat; or a company that used to sell car insurance, now has an online store where users can buy bundles of car services like car wash, maintenance or paint.

We’ve seen this happen throughout almost every industry, including bureaucratic ones like banks, and their whole fintech boom. They are making it easier for users to acquire nearly the same services without having to leave the comfort of their homes.

It’s really interesting to see these changes and it’s only proof that there always will be something we can invent, re-invent, and modify to create demand in parts of the market that we don’t even know yet could exist. Before even saying anything about the importance of observing and ideating, in the end, a well-structured strategy can be done, but making it happen is where most of strategies fail.

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