Machine driven unemployment​​

CN Camilo Nova Camilo Nova

Camilo Nova

1 min read.

Here is the number of employees at some of the world’s biggest tech companies on the day they reached $200B in market capitalization:

  • Facebook (2014): 9,199 employees
  • Microsoft (1998): 27,000 employees
  • Apple (2010): 46,600 employees
  • Alphabet (2012): 53,861 employees
  • Amazon (2015): 165,000 employees
  • Verizon (2014): 176,800 employees
  • General Electric (1997): 239,000 employees
  • AT&T; (2007): 302,000 employees

It is really makes you wonder how technology is changing the workforce.

Written by Camilo Nova

CN Camilo Nova Camilo Nova

As the Axiacore CEO, Camilo writes about the intersection of technology, design, and business. With a strategic mindset and a deep understanding of the industry, he is dedicated to helping companies grow.


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