​Why don't disturb a developer in action

IR Ivan Ramirez Ivan Ramirez

Ivan Ramirez

Software Developer
1 min read.

Many times we found similar situations where a friend, familiar, work partner or pet interrupt a developer. When some people try to talk with a programmer doesn’t interrupt only your work, interrupts your brain.

Sometimes the connection between him and the code is total; all parts of his ody are connected 100% with an issue, and he needs to take all of his energy and apply it.

But, why it is so necessary? Long time ago, some friend spoke with me about the "dopamine"; scientifically, it is a chemical that regulates the pleasure in the brain. It is released during pleasurable situations and stimulates one to seek out the pleasurable activity or occupation. In our environment that is the sensation we feel when we kill a big issue in the best way (programming).

Unconsciously, we work with all our energy looking for that sensation as if we depended on it. Here, we return at the first point: why is so important to understand reactions of a developer when you try to speak with him while he is working?; Please understand that he is not angry with you and you will not receive attention until he detaches of the console. Those episodes are common but not all time. You can simply read a face expressions or listen the punches on the desk. If none of those things mentioned before are happening you can approach and start a conversation with a good guy.

Written by Ivan Ramirez

IR Ivan Ramirez Ivan Ramirez

Ivan is a dedicated developer focused on creating efficient and user-friendly software solutions. Their attention to detail and commitment to coding excellence ensure that each project meets the highest standards.


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