Fast Casual Home Burgers

Delivery and takeout platform for restaurant sales in multiple locations.

Fast Casual Home Burgers


Home Burgers


Food Delivery

The challenge

Ecommerce done right is very hard. One of the most critical elements to consider when building technology for a restaurant business is the Point Of Sale (POS) integration. Usually, it is very complicated to make it work properly to allow customers to order from the website, check their order status, and choose the closest location to take the order.

Fast Casual Home Burgers
Fast Casual Home Burgers

Our Solution

We started talking to users and understanding how to build the best experience to allow them to order online. Given this information, we continued designing the UI/UX accordingly to ensure it fits the business goals and the user expectations.

The users wanted to order on their phones, tablets, or desktop computers, so we built a mobile-first responsive interface. POS integration was built in the backend using Python to make it blazingly fast.

When users use their location or address, we run a geospatial query to choose the closest retail location to receive the order. All that integrated into the three-step checkout process let us increase sales from the very first day.

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