Our Services

We solve problems and unlock opportunities.

Our services


We guide you to decide what to work on, cutting through anxiety and uncertainty.

We Discover


We take your project from idea to launch with certainty, putting you ahead of the competition.

We Build


We help your company to keep your business running 24x7, and protect you from downtime.

We Protect

We say no to


We don't rent people. It's the wrong incentive to build great solutions. You need teams, processes, and tools.

Mobile apps

It's such a waste of money. We build responsive web solutions instead. No app stores, no fees, no problem.


You don't need them. It's a waste of time and money. We build monolithic applications.

Existing code

We don't take on existing code bases. We only work on projects we build from scratch.


We don't use templates. We design from scratch for each client.

Your CMS

We don't fix your WordPress, Shopify, or similar. We will be happy to move you away from them.

Your tech

We have a specific stack that we use. No PHP, Java, .NET, or similar. Python, Django, and HTML are our tools.

Cloud Lock-In

We don't deploy on AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud. Easy to get in, impossible to get out.


We don't use proprietary software. We use open-source software only.

Shady business

If your mom wouldn't use it, we won't build it. We don't build gambling, adult, or similar sites.

Case Studies




Growth in new markets


Insurance policies processed

Build Once. Own Forever.