Identify your early adopters

Tatiana Barco
Strategy ConsultantWe, as product creators, have a constant issue when it comes to deciding the first version of the product’s functionalities and roadmap. It’s very difficult to find a group of users that see the direct value of the product, and are willing to try it without expecting its best version.
For us, the roadmap of our clients’ products iterates constantly. We create it based on the conclusions of the strategy consultancy. Who are the users, what different needs do they have, and the relevant features that make them fall in love instantly with the solution.
Nevertheless, for phases 2 or 3 of the roadmap, the team studies the KPIs, the user behavior, and the performance of the product. This way, they rethink the need plus objectives of those phases. It is better to continue de product roadmap by making data-based decisions from the interaction of the early adopters, talking to them to validate the success of the MVP, and studying the digital trends that can affect the way they consume the solution.
If you are asking yourself, who are those early adopters? where can you find them? Well, some of the actions we recommend are: calling every user that does a transaction, talking to them, and asking for feedback. Tell them the importance of their opinion and let them be part of the decision-making. Many, for sure, will respond they don’t care or don’t have time to help you, that’s ok, they are not your early adopters. Others will criticize most of the features, they aren’t your early adopters either, because they don't see the value of the solution. The ones that give objective feedback related to the purpose are the ones!
Give it a try, and you will see how it gets easier to define and implement the product roadmap.
Written by Tatiana Barco

Tatiana helps businesses develop and implement strategic plans to drive growth and efficiency. Her insights and analytical skills guide clients in navigating complex challenges and seizing opportunities.