
What is Web Design? Everything you need to know to apply it to your business

Photo of the author: Johan Bernal N.

Johan Bernal N.


2 min read.

Web design refers to the area focused on the development of digital interfaces, such as the design of websites and web applications (WebApps), which are created by designers through programs such as Python, JavaScript, among others.

This is one of the most important processes in software development because it is the most perceptible by the end-user of the platform.

From this point of view, if your design is not attractive, people who view it will abandon your website immediately, which will cause you losses and discomfort. So it is essential to prioritize this process from the beginning.

This good impression to the user is commonly referred to as user experience or UX and is responsible for looking for the visitor to stay browsing on a website and generate a subsequent conversion that can go from registration to purchase, what it is up to you.

Once we defined the concept, now you need to know what are the elements that are used for an optimal web design:

Basis of web design:

Web design brings together everything related to the creation of online pages, as well as the production of content. This includes the visual part of the sites which is done through CSS, a term used to "style" the elements written in HTML code.

Therefore, it is common for web designers to apply both to build a site since their union allows defining how the pages will appear in browsers.

This process of site creation is commonly done through tools such as Adobe Dreamweaver (in a professional approach) and CMS (at a basic level) which are content management platforms that have templates with default elements for any user to manage.

Key elements of web design

These are some of the most important elements within web design:


Because more and more people access the Internet and use their cell phones to interact with digital platforms, these must-have formats and designs adapted for both desktop (desktops) and mobile (cell phones) and work the same way.


Maintaining the same typographic font is essential to generate unity within the website. If this is modified, the reading experience will be greatly affected.


Content considered how scannable when it allows the reader to scan the text and it's comfortable and not overloaded.

Loading speed

According to Google, sites that take more than 2 seconds to load damage both the user experience and the indexing of the site, so if you want your web platform to rank, you should make sure that your website loads in the shortest time possible and at the same time, that your user spends a lot of time on it.

If you want to know how it works, we invite you to watch this video:

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