what is the main challenge for companies with sustainability: offsetting the carbon footprint

PJ Pablo Josué Martínez Pablo Josué Martínez

Pablo Josué Martínez

Public Relations Specialist
2 min read.

Every day increases the implementation of social responsibility actions with which companies aspire to generate a positive impact on the planet. That is why Axiacore, a company specializing in the strategy, design, and engineering of digital platforms, knows that any action will make a difference.

Although awareness has increased worldwide, individual efforts alone do not generate as much impact when compared to the results of collective and measurable initiatives. This situation led Axiacore to create an alliance with Treelife, an app developed by young Colombians that allows users to help plant trees as they walk certain distances using seed balls launched by drones. In this way, both companies aspire to execute an industrialized solution focused on reforestation and become one of the first Carbon Negative companies in the technology industry.

Some organizations, for example, replace traditional lighting in their offices with LED systems, optimize consumption in vending machines, and even incorporate energy analytics software. Axiacore, for its part, has been constant in the fight to reduce environmental risks and spread a new culture that inspires entrepreneurs to find the best way to achieve this.

Camilo Nova, CEO at Axiacore, added that: "we know that trees absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) to grow, which makes them an excellent option to offset the Carbon Footprint. Planting seed balls allowed us to give our forests 6,000 seeds that will soon become 2,000 trees for our future and that of the following generations".

As a company, they see the potential of technology to multiply the impact of the programs they develop. For example, in the long term, it would be possible to make satellite revisions and use Artificial Intelligence to measure minute by minute the elimination of CO2 in specific areas.

"We hope that our actions will be an impetus for all productive sectors to share a strategic vision that does not decouple environmental sustainability from economic growth," Nova added.

The accumulation of CO2 generates drastic economic consequences. According to the Stern Review, one of the most recognized and accurate reports on the effects of climate change, an average increase of between 2 and 3 degrees Celsius in warming could lead to the loss of up to 3% of the world's Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Thus, we can see that caring for the planet goes beyond an altruistic act detached from any other context.

This alliance aims to have a real impact, reforesting in the first stage in different municipalities of Colombia. Among them are Suesca, Guachoque, Villeta, and Anapoima.

Written by Pablo Josué Martínez

PJ Pablo Josué Martínez Pablo Josué Martínez

Pablo manages and enhances the company’s public image through strategic communication and media relations. His expertise in crafting compelling narratives and managing stakeholder relationships drives positive brand perception and visibility.


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